Dirty Honey’s Show-Stopping Performance at the Roxian 5.14.2024!

I knew this show was going to be entertaining just based on the people tailgating in the parking lot with rock spilling from every other car in the Roxian parking lot.

Royale Lynn

Royale Lynn, an artist that blends together hard rock, country and bands like Evanescence, brought the energy Tuesday, May 14th at the Roxian opening up for Dirty Honey. She was interactive and gave us a look into her rise to fame, her small town in Ontario and other stories about her and her life. Throughout the performance, she told us stories of riding the bus to school in her small home town, dreaming of making it big listening to her Walkman and the bands that impacted her.

Royale Lynn talked about how her 2023 single “Six Feet Deep” blew up on the social media app, TikTok, and said that it “changed her life,” bringing her to opportunities like opening up for Dirty Honey. When she shared this, a few older folks in the crowd chuckled and it was interesting to see how some might not understand how impactful social media can be in modern times. Overall, I was thoroughly warmed up for Dirty Honey by the end of her rocking set and enjoying the buzz of her rock and country blend.

Dirty Honey

Dirty Honey, a rock band based in Los Angeles, California is taking on a tour in May and July of this year after their most recent release “Can’t Find The Breaks,” released in 2023. Their sound is one that tugs on the heartstrings of nostalgia with anyone that grew up listening to bands like Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath.

After tailgating in the parking lot listening to their songs like “California Dreamin'” and “When I’m Gone,” hearing it in person had the crowd moving. Dirty Honey brought Green Day level energy and interaction into the Roxian and it was impressive to see their crowd work. Not to mention that both Royale Lynn and Dirty Honey interacted with me and my camera as well, personally, which I enjoyed greatly.

Lead singer, Marc Labelle, took stage presence to a new level with every song and the band did not have a weak link in their entertainment and performance. Labelle would take his mic stand and stretch it over the crowd, having them sing into it. Being a fan in the pit seeing the microphone from a band you love looming over you must have felt incredible. Even during the encore, they had bass, drum and guitar solos. Afterwards, they finished with “Rolling 7s,” a fan favorite with high energy. The buzz of the crowd after the show was palpable and you could feel they wanted more, as did I. Dirty Honey is not a band to miss seeing in concert. You do not need to know much of their music to jam out to good rock and see a high energy performance.

Words and photos by Sammy Jean! 🙂

Instagram: @lemonwater.orgg


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